Wednesday, May 20, 2009

lazy days, funky ways, sunshine rays, and what the hays

Hey There all of you out there in the WWW...
I have been being so bad about blogging lately, but I promise I will pick up the slack and try and post every couple days at least... anyways...

I spent much of the past few days running in circles and attending to the car... On saturday night I let my little brother borrow it to drive his girlfriend home, just across town. He only has a motorcycle at present and it was a little rainy and foggy soooo... 20 minutes after he left I get a phone call. The car had stalled and would not restart. Same thing had happened to me the previous night but when I had put some gas in it started back up so I figured the gas gauge must be broken.. it also happened earlier that day when I was picking my mom up from visiting my Grampa in the hospital... same apparent remedy with the gas... So I grabbed the gas can and headed down to rescue my brother. Only this time it started without the gas, and he hadn't gone far enough for it to have been just an issue with the gas gauge... so I followed him towards my mechanic's garage the next town over. Half way there the car stalled again, this time at the stoplight in a very busy intersection... after much fun of running back and forth with gas cans, being sworn at and called not-so-nice names by a couple disgruntled motorists apparently convinced that we had broken down just to get in their way and piss them off... and having a police officer dialing the number of a tow truck, it FINALLY started... I jumped in and drove it to the mechanic's with the ole slow-and-roll-through technique at the couple of back road stop signs (since it only seemed to stall out when you come to a complete stop)... 200 and some-odd dollars later, it turns out it was the "Crank Shaft Sensor"... SO hopefully (crossing my fingers) the car is now quirk-free, at least for the summer because I am so broke after the past couple weeks that if one more thing malfunctions I fear it will have to sit there for a couple months until I catch back up on my debts...

Happily, I have a few custom Letter orders in the works and the summer camp I am teaching is rapidly approaching. I think I may spend this whole weekend throwing a massive tag-sale. I have a TON of stuff I don't use or need that is either sitting in one of three storage spots, or is stashed in random corners and nooks in my bedroom and living-room... Even at a quarter per item I could probably do pretty well for the three day weekend... We shall see.

I have unfinished letters on their way and I will be working on those soon.. expect pictures. I also spent some lazy time today gluing and pasting some awesome little recycled envelopes, I have to take some photos tomorrow and that listing will be going up this week. I also have to catch up on listing a bunch of the items from the last photo shoot. While my mom and I were out this past week end I found a super awesome little crystal bottle at a tag sale (for a QUARTER!) that I'm going to rig up as a vase for my car... And I finished the Steering Wheel cover in my car, which I THINK looks really rad :) Picture of that in posts to follow... Now on to the seat covers and floor mats..

FInally, today, after picking up my poor car, Lennon and I took a run down to the lake... We weren't there for long but we had a good time... I've been in such a funk over money problems the past several days that it was a much needed break from reality :) I think I'm going to make a pact with myself that if it is nice out, I'm going to take him outdoors for at least 2 hours for the next two weeks straight. Deal? Deal. :)

SOrry for the lack of crafty photos, but there were just SO MANY good ones of my Lemon :)
G' Night...

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